Welcome Stranger!

What are ya buyin?

The Finessa

This is my lil garden, where I'm gonna put all my music stuff....maybe...

I might also end up putting my programming stuff here!

Work has really sucked lately! Super busy and I feel like I've been doing way too much! If you think this sucks, send me loads of money please!

It me, flower

Having some FUN around here!! >:3c

Getting real used to messing around with my MOOGs! I love these funky machines

Let's explore the cosmos together..

I got a nice way to record audio onto my phone to make good videos ;w;

I'm glad I was able to make something nice with all my synths EZ clap

Links to my stuff!
Main page lil flower icon
My music lil flower icon
Programming projects lil flower icon
My art (18+) lil flower icon